The Master of Music in Conducting program curriculum is designed to develop conducting, analysis and interpretive skills and offers degrees in choral, musical theatre, orchestral, and wind/band conducting.
Specialize In One Of These Focus Areas:
Admission Requirements
1. Complete the Graduate Application
- All applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements.
- International applicants must comply with all federal regulations governing documentation of financial eligibility in order to obtain an I-20 and visa. Applicants should plan to submit official evaluations and transcripts for initial admission.
- It is highly recommended for any applicants interested in an advanced conducting degree to first connect with the program director to discuss your qualifications and interest.
- Musical Theatre Conducting Applicants Note: This program only accepts one applicant per year. Before applying, please contact the program director, Professor Patrick Brady, at
- Wind Ensemble Conducting Applicants Note: Applicants must have previous experience working with the program director, Dr. Tim Robblee. If interested in applying, it is recommended to contact Dr. Robblee at a year in advance of applying to the program.
- Choral Conducting: Please contact the Director of Choral Activities, Dr. Richard Robbins, at
- Orchestral Conducting: Please contact the Director of Orchestral Studies, Dr. Emanuele Andrizzi, at
2. Application Requirements: Submit the following using the Application Portal by January 15, 2024.
- Unofficial transcripts from all baccalaureate and master’s degree studies, documenting successful (or pending successful) degree completions and a minimum bachelor’s GPA of 2.5. (All post-secondary institutions where a degree or relevant credit has been earned.)
- Applicants can choose to submit unofficial transcripts for initial review. If admitted, the applicant must submit an official transcript for each unofficial transcript upload. See our full policy for more details.
- A Baccalaureate degree in music is required.
- Upload one copy of the unofficial transcript from each institution attended.
- Admitted applicants must provide official transcripts from each institution from which they previously supplied unofficial transcripts.
- Transcripts from non-U.S. institutions must also be submitted for a course-by-course academic credential evaluation to obtain U.S. equivalency information regarding courses, grades and GPA.
- Curriculum Vitae/Résumé that includes a list of works conducted
- Essay of 500–700 words addressing your interest in the program and professional goals
3. Prescreening Requirements: Firm deadline for prescreening materials submission is January 31, 2025.
All prescreening materials MUST be submitted on the Application Portal. Prescreening materials may be submitted at any time between the submission of the initial admissions application.
Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Choral Specializations
- A face-to-the-camera video recording (10 minutes minimum, 15 minutes maximum) of the applicant leading both a rehearsal and a performance. The applicant should be identified at the beginning of the recording via spoken introduction or title screen. For instrumental ensembles, it is acceptable to use a reduced instrumentation (e.g. string quartet and piano) version of a composition.
- Applicants who pass the recorded prescreening will be invited to register for an on-campus audition.
Musical Theatre Specialization
- A face-to-the-camera video recording (10 minutes minimum, 15 minutes maximum) of the applicant leading both a rehearsal and a performance. The applicant should be identified at the beginning of the recording via spoken introduction or title screen. For instrumental ensembles, it is acceptable to use a reduced instrumentation (e.g. string quartet and piano) version of a composition.
- Applicants who pass the recorded prescreening will be invited to register for an on-campus piano audition and interview. Details on works to prepare will be given at that time.
4. Audition Requirements: Firm deadline to register for a Graduate Audition is February 1, 2025.
Based on intended focus, the applicant will conduct an orchestral, wind or choral ensemble for 30 minutes. For Band/Wind Ensemble and Orchestra Conducting, at least 10 minutes of the 30 will be dedicated to rehearsal. For Choral Conducting, the entire 30 minutes will be dedicated to rehearsal. Choral Conducting candidates will be asked to rehearse a piece recently performed by the choral ensemble and will be asked to introduce a piece that the choral ensemble has not yet performed.
On-campus auditions are scheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the applicant and relevant conservatory conductor.
Admission decisions are not made until all application materials are received and the audition has been completed.